Shaojie Bai

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Shaojie Bai, Ph.D. Candidate
Group of Networked Sensing and Control (NESC)
Colledge of Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University (ZJU)

Tel: 188 6811 6595, 9119 4508
[Google Scholar][Linkedin] [Twitter] [Curriculem Vitae]

About me

I am a PhD student affiliated with NESC Group at Zhejiang University (ZJU). I am fortunately advised by Prof. Jiming Chen and Prof. Peng Cheng. Recently, I am visiting Delta Lab at Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen (DIKU), working closely with Prof. Mohammad Sadegh Talebi. I received the B.S. degrees Colledge of Control Science and Engineering from Zhejiang University (ZJU) in 2020.

Research Interests

My research interest is developing and analyzing decision-making algorithms with theoretical guarantees under the constraints of privacy, robustness and security.

  • Reinforcement Learning

  • Online Learning

  • Multi-Agent Decision Making


  • 2024-04: One paper accepted to UAI 2024 (Poster).

  • 2023-12: One paper accepted to AAMAS 2024 (Full paper and Oral).

  • 2023-01: One paper accepted to AAMAS 2023 (Extend Abstract).

  • 2021-09: One paper accepted to ICPADS 2021.

  • 2021-04: One paper accepted to CCS 2021.